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literature and articles related to the topic 




  1. Ambrus, A. (n/p). Ambrus Attila Kerámia. Átkelő Galéria (n/p). Art Brut és Outsider Art. Átkelő Galéria.

  2. Anonymous 1. (2014). Angažirana umjetnost. Mrežni portal Kreativna zajednica.

  3. Appleton, J. (1975, 1996). The Experience of the Landscape. Chichester: John Wiley, 1996.

  4. Argue J., Bennett J. & Gussak D. (2009). Transformation through Negotiation: Initiating the Inmate Mural Arts Program. The Arts in Psychotherapy 36(5):313-319. DOI:10.1016/j.aip.2009.07.005

  5. Babus, A. & Sajó, T. (2009). A bori notesz. In „Ó költő, tisztán élj te most…”. Száz éve született Radnóti Miklós. MTA könyvtára.

  6. Bálint, M. (1991/2012). Az őstörés. A regresszió terápiás vonatkozásai. [The basic fault. The therapeutic aspects of regression]. Animula Kiadó, 2012.

  7. Bálint, M. (2017). A participáció fogalma a művészetben és a társadalomtudományokban. Doktori disszertáció. [The concept of participation in art and social sciences. Doctoral thesis].

  8. Barišić, D. (2020). Likovne intervencije u rehabilitaciji počinitelja kaznenih djela. Thesis. Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation. University of Zagreb.

  9. BBC (2021). Art mistake. Cardiff artwork washed off by cleaners in error. Internet: Art mistake: Cardiff artwork washed off by cleaners in error - BBC News.

  10. Belton, S. & Barclay, L. (2008). J Block Women of Art Project Report: Evaluating Community Education in a Prison Setting. Darwin: Charles Darwin University.

  11. Bentham, J. (1791). Panopticon: or, the inspection-house. Dublin: Thomas Byrne.

  12. Beöthy, B. (2012). Performatív kurátori gyakorlatok. [Performative curatoral excersises.] In: A kurátori gyakorlat és diskurzus szótára.

  13. Berlyne, D.E. (1970). Novelty, Complexity and Hedonic Value. Perception and Psychophysics

  14. Bernheimer, L., O’Brien, R. & Barnes, R. (2017). Wellbeing in prison design. A guide. Matter Architecture.

  15. Bernheimer, L., O’Brien, R. & Barnes, R. (2017). Wellbeing in prison design. A guide. London: Matter Architecture

  16. Bilban, M. (2015). Lastnosti barv. Delo in varnost, letnik 60, številka 2: 27-34.

  17. Bishop, C. (2006). A szociális fordulat: A kollaboráció és elégedetlenei. ford. Somogyi Hajnalka. [The Social Turn: Collaboration and Its Discontents]

  18. Böcskei, B., Berzsenyi, T. & Oltai, K. (2020 March 4). Mit üzen a legendás tetovált bűnöző, Pillangó teste?. Podcast show.

  19. Bodóczky I. (2012). Kis könyv a vizuális művészeti nevelésről. [A small book on visual arts education]. VKFA.

  20. Boehm, A. & Boehm, E. (2012). A közösségi színház, mint az empowerment eszköze a szociális munkában. [Community theater as a tool for empowerment in social work].

  21. Boldizsár, I. (2019). A királyné, aki madárnak képzelte magát, meseterápiás csoporttörténetek. [The queen, who imagined herself to be a bird, storytelling-therapy groupstories]. Jelenkor Kiadó.

  22. Bonnardel, V., Beniwal, S., Dubey, N., Pande, M. & Bimler, D. (2017). Gender difference in color preference across cultures: An archetypal pattern modulated by a female cultural stereotype. Color Research & Application, 43, 1-15. doi:10.1002/col.22188.

  23. Borja, G. & Cruz, A. (2019). Murales de libertad project. Movimiento cultural.

  24. Botton, A. & Armstrong, J. (2014). Art as Therapy. London: Phaidon Press Limited.

  25. Brandt, R. (1959). Ethical theory: the problems of normative and critical ethics. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall

  26. Bratman, G.N., Hamilton, J.P., Hahn, K.S. Daily, G.C. & Gross, J.J. (2015). Nature reduces rumination and sgPFC activation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112 (28), 8567- 8572. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1510459112.

  27. Breiner, M.J., Tuomisto, L., Bouyea, L., Gussak, D.E. & Aufderheide, D. (2011). Creating an Art Therapy Anger Management Protocol for Male Inmates Through a Collaborative Relationship. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 20, 1-20.

  28. Breuer, J. & Elson, M. (2017). Frustration-Aggression Theory. In P. Sturmey (ed.). The Wiley Handbook of Violence and Aggression (1-12). Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.

  29. Brewster, L. (1983). An evaluation of the arts-in-corrections program of the California department of corrections. Santa Cruz, CA: William James Association.

  30. Brewster, L. (2010). A qualitative study of the California arts-in-corrections program. Santa Cruz, CA: William James Association.

  31. Brewster, L. (2010). The California arts-in-corrections music program: A qualitative study. International Journal of Community Music, 3(1), 33-46. 141

  32. Brewster, L. (2012). A qualitative study of the California arts-in-corrections program. Santa Cruz, CA: William James Association.

  33. Brewster, L. (2014). The impact of prison arts programs on inmate attitudes and behavior: A quantitative evaluation. Justice Policy Journal, 11 (4).

  34. Brown, S. (2005). Bringing science to art. Review of Neuropsychology of Art: Neurological, Cognitive and Evolutionary Perspectives by Dahlia W. Zaidel, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10: 356–357.

  35. Bryan, R.G., Kevin, K. & Dwayne Simpson D. (2007). Burnout Among Corrections-Based Drug Treatment Staff: Impact of Individual and Organizational Factors. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. Volume: 51 issue: 5, page(s): 510-522.

  36. Budai István, Nárai Márta (2012, szerk.): Együttműködés és felelősségvállalás tanulása a szociális és közösségi munkában. 59-70.old. (A tanulmány eredeti megjelenési helye: Journal of Social Work (2003) 3 (3): 283–300

  37. Buss, D. (2001). Psychologia ewolucyjna. Jak wytłumaczyć społeczne zachowania człowieka. Najnowsze koncepcje. Gdańsk: GWP.

  38. Buss, D. M. (2008). Evolutionary Psychology: The New Science of the Mind (3rd ed.). Boston- New York: Pearson Inc.

  39. Canneyt, V. (2008). Emergence, development, and current practice of individual visual arts (psycho)therapy in Britain and the United States. Ghent University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy.

  40. Cao, M.L.F. (2012). About the uses of art as a medium for human growth. In: Szabó Veronika (ed.): Art of adaptation, Manual of artistic tools for migrants. Artemisszio Foundation. (Ariadne - Art for intercultural adaptation in new environment project. Project number: 510255-LLP-1-2010-1-FR-Grundtvig-GMP). 8-18.

  41. Capa Központ (2020 August 13). Egy pincéből került elő Pillangó 1994-es kazettája. Robert Capa Kortárs Fotográfiai Központ.

  42. Carlson, J.R. & Thomas, G. (2006). Burnout Among Prison Caseworkers and Corrections Officers. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. Volume 43, 2006 - Issue 3. Pages 19-34.

  43. Caspari, S., Eriksson, K. & Naden, D. (2006). The aesthetic dimension in hospitals—An investigation into strategic plans. International Journal of Nursing Studies. September 2006, Volume 43, Issue 7, Pages 851-85.

  44. Caspari, S., Eriksson, K. i Naden, D. (2011). The importance of aesthetic surroundings: a study interviewing experts within different aesthetic fields. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 25: 134-142.

  45. Caspari, S., Naden, D. i Eriksson, K. (2007). Why not ask the patient? An evaluation of the aesthetic surroundings in hospitals by patients. Quality Management in Health Care, 16: 280-292.

  46. Cavanagh, P. (2005). The artist as neuroscientist. Nature, 434: 301–307.

  47. Cheliotis, L. (2014). Decorative Justice: Deconstructing the Relationship between the Arts and Imprisonment. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 3(1), 16-34. doi: 10.5204/ijcjsd.v3i1.137.

  48. Chernicharo, I.M., da Silva, F.D. & Ferreira, M.A. (2014). Description of the term humanization in care by nursing professionals. Escola Anna Nery Revista de Enfermagem. Jan-Mar 2014, Volume 18, Issue 1, Pages 156-162.

  49. Choungorian, A. (1967). Introversion-Extraversion and Color Preferences. Journal of Projective Techniques and Personality Assessment. 11: 92-94.

  50. Churchland, P. (2006). The big questions: Do we have free will? New Scientist, 2578, 42-45

  51. Cope, N. (2003). ‘It’s NoTime or HighTime’: Young Offenders’ Experiences of Time and Drug Use inPrison. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 42(2), 158-175.

  52. Cork R. (2012). The Healing Presence of Art: A History of Western Art in Hospitals. New Haven: Yale University Press.

  53. Cséka, Gy. (2020). Vad táj. Fotóművészet 63/1. pp. 4-19.

  54. Csíkszentmihályi, M. (2008). Kreativitás - A flow és a felfedezés, avagy a találékonyság pszichológiája. [Creativity – The psychology of flow and discovery, or ingenuity]. Akadémiai Kiadó.

  55. de Waal, F. (1997). Good Natured. The Origins of Right and Wrong in Humans and Other Animals. Cambridge (Massachusetts): Harvard University Press

  56. Delija, A. (2018). Utjecaj boje na psihologiju potrošača. University of Zagreb. Faculty of Graphic Arts. Thesis.

  57. Dennett, D. (1984). Elbow Room. The Varieties of Free Will Worth Wanting. MIT Press.

  58. Department of Justice Florida. (2012). Rising Prison Costs: Restricting Budgets and Crime Prevention Options.

  59. Diamond, B. Morris, R. G. & Barnes, J. C. (2012). Individual and group IQ predict inmate violence. Intelligence. 40: 115-122.

  60. Djurichkovic, A. (2011). Art in Prisons: a literature review of the philosophies and impact of visual arts programs for correctional populations. Sydney: UTS ePress

  61. Documentary (2020). Tales from the Prison Cell (director Abel Visky, 2020). Proton Cinema.

  62. Dollard, M.F., Winefield, H. R. & Winefield, A. H. (2001). Occupational strain and efficacyin human service workers. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic.

  63. Dominquez-Rodrigo, M. (2014). Is the “Savanna Hypothesis” a Dead Concept for Explaining the Emergence of the Earliest Hominins? Current Anthropology. 55: 59-81.

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  65. Einspach, G. (2013). Dubuffet és az Art Brut. Artmagazin online, 2013/8. pp. 63-66.

  66. Erickson, B. (2008). Art Therapy Treatment With Incarcerated Women. University of Central Florida, Orlando.

  67. European Federation of Art Therapy (2018). Mission Statement.

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  70. Farokhi, M. (2011). Art Therapy in Humanistic Psychiatry. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. Volume 30, Pages 2088-2092.

  71. Fazekasné Fenyvesi M. (2019). A kreativitás fogalma és fejlesztése. [The conception and developement of creativity]. The research is carried out with the support of the grant TÁMOP- 4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0006 „Improving the conditions for talent management at the Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church”. Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Faculty Teachers Training.

  72. Fiáth, T. (2020 July 19). A legvidámabb barokk - Pillangó anekdotái az államszocializmus éveiből. Robert Capa Kortárs Fotográfiai Központ és az Archive of Modern Conflict - Bone Idle Books.

  73. Fletcher, D. & Dalgleish, K. (2012). Evaluation of the Personal Effectiveness and Employability Through the Arts (PEET. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR). Sheffield Hallam University.

  74. Fletcher, D.R. (2012). An Evaluation of the Personal Effectiveness and Employability through the Arts Project. Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) Sheffield Hallam University.

  75. Florek, S. (2021). Czas do zabicia „pod celą”. O racjonalności kary pozbawienia wolności w zakładach typu zamkniętego. In: Dostrzeganie zagrożeń drogą do zmiany, (ed. K. Popiołek, s. 164-181). Warszawa: Difin

  76. Fodor, L. (2007). A kreatív személyiség [The creative personality]. Közoktatás 18.7. 4-6.o.

  77. Foucault, M. (1975). Surveiller et punir: Naissance de la prison. Paris, French. Gallimard.

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  79. Freiberg H.J. (2007): A tanulás szabadsága [Freedom of learning], Edge, Budapest.

  80. Garland, B. (2002). Prison Treatment Staff Burnout: Consequences, Causes and Prevention. (ed. Susan L. Clayton M.S.). Corrections Today Volume: 64, Issue: 7, Pages: 116-121.

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  82. Ginabreda, F. (2016 October 25th). Bàlsam i fuga: pintar des de la presó. Núvol, el digital de cultura.

  83. Ginneken van, E. F. J. C. & Palmen, H. (2022) Is There Relationship Between Prison Conditions and Recidivism? Justice Quarterly, DOI: 10.1080/07418825.2022.2040576

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  121. Kislexikon (n/p). Cellini. Kislexikon.

  122. Kiss, E. (2019). Az elmebetegek múzeuma földhöz veri a látogató

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  125. Kiss, V. (2010). Művészeti nevelés, művészettel nevelés, 165 művészetterápia [Art education, education through art, art therapy]. Iskolakultúra, 20 (10). 18-31. ISSN 1215-5233.

  126. Kiss, V. (2013). Reflections on drawings in art pedagogy and art therapy. Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art 2: 1, pp. 55–68.

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